
.Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of therapist are you?

I am a person centred humanistic and integrative counsellor and psychotherapist essentially this  means  I try to create a non-judgemental, unconditional environment where you feel safe and enabled to explore the issues that you bring to counselling. The relationship between us is confidential and will not be broken unless there is a serious physical risk to you or another person.

I am a fully qualified and IACP accredited Counsellor and Psychotherapist with an honours B.A. in Counselling and Psychotherapy. As well as further qualifications in EMDR trauma therapy and Somatic trauma work.

Counselling is usually concerned with looking at some issues in our day to day lives. It could be with a relationship, bullying or anxiety. It should be focused and have a definite aim and a clear time span.

Psychotherapy is more concerned with a deeper look at the way we are in the world. Why do we behave and react the way we do? It attempts to give us insights into our behaviour that will allow us to make meaningful and even profound changes to our way of being.

When pursuing any form of counselling or psychotherapy, you should always ask your provider about their credentials.

How much does therapy cost?  

I charge €60 per consultation hour.

How do I know if I need therapy? Will therapy work for me? How do I choose a therapist? How long will therapy take?

Therapy and counselling are sought for numerous reasons: an immediate problem, personal self-exploration, among others. Usually this question is asked when someone feels they already need some kind of help, but aren’t sure if their problems are either normal, will go away, or are capable of self-solution. I have noticed that people will live with a lot of pain before they seek help from someone. Going to see a therapist is a sign of personal strength and wisdom, a recognition of the importance you give to yourself and your well-being.

The stigma of seeking psychological help is unfortunately part of what we are typically taught in this society, but in therapy you will find acceptance, as well as, hopefully, the help you desire. Of course, you can always try self-evaluation inventories found in numerous magazines or books.

The bottom line is that if you are bothered by problems with emotions or behaviours, if your ability to love and/or work are being negatively affected, then you may need some kind of mental health intervention. Millions of people seek or have sought this kind of help, with very positive results.


Will therapy work for me?

Counselling and psychotherapy has been reported to help many individuals suffering from mental, relational distress or anxiety. Please note: no treatment is for everybody. No counsellor will be able to help everyone they meet. As a therapist, I cannot guarantee anybody that they will get better or feel better by seeing me. However, after we have met and discussed your situation, I will have a better idea of how I can potentially help you, how long that might take, and what you and I can expect from such an outcome. And I can confidently say that I feel I have helped the vast majority of people I have worked with.

Choosing a therapist is a very personal decision. From my standpoint, a therapist should be professional, honest, easy to understand, non-judgmental, and non-punitive. There may be some special quality or characteristic you desire in a therapist. Try to give the new therapy relationship a little time before you make up your mind about whether it’s for you or not. Give feedback to your therapist, and see how you feel about the dialogue that ensues. Listen to your feelings.

Therapy can be challenging. The quality of the feedback from the therapist, the safety he or she provides, will probably go a long way in helping you decide whether that therapist is right for you or not.

The length of therapy is determined by a number of factors, including the needs of the client, the assessment by the therapist of the client’s needs, the ability of the client to attend treatment, financial considerations, the amount of time the problems have persisted, etc.

Popular culture has given many people the idea that therapy will take months and years, or never even end. However, research on frequency of therapy treatment shows repeatedly that most people see a therapist for from one to two sessions up to three to six months. Outcome research shows that a majority of patients feel helped within this general time period. Individuals who need or want therapy for longer periods will discuss this situation with their therapist.

Longer treatments occur for a variety of reasons, including on-going environmental stressors, to a commitment on the part of the patient to more intensive, self-examining personality change and self-awareness. I suggest you discuss any concerns you have about this at the outset with myself, or anyone you choose to work with.

My husband/wife/child (or friend, parent, co-worker, etc.) needs help badly. How can I help them to get therapy?

The choice to get counselling or therapy is that of the adult individual alone. Some people, in trouble may essentially be forced to seek therapy. This is not the best way to be introduced to help, but sometimes psychological intervention may still be effective, even in such cases.

When the person is an adult, and there is no external force mandating therapy, and if they do not wish to see a therapist, then there is little to be gained by trying to morally coerce them, or blackmail them. Exhortation of unwilling individuals is also very tiring for the helper. As people who have tried to get resistant alcoholics into treatment may be painfully aware, the individual who needs help may have to discover for him or herself, through troublesome experiences, that they need assistance.

Minors present a special case. Young children may not be able to effectively give consent, and the right to seek treatment rests in the hands of their parents. Older children or adolescents may in some cases be able to legally seek treatment without their parents’ knowledge. Each of these situations is usually treated by a therapist on a case by case basis.

How do I make an appointment?

Call me directly at 0871263686 If you leave a message, give me a phone number to reach you at, and a couple of good times you are available to talk.. I will return your call usually within a few hours, at most within 24 hours.

Or you can e-mail me at sallycush6@gmail.com


The first step is often the hardest